
Golang Intro

Before you continue, please take a moment to configure your archetypes.

Archetypes are located in the archetypes directory in the source of your site. To learn more about archetypes, visit Archetypes on the Hugo website. And when you’re ready, check out the Customizing section of the After Dark documentation for additional options.


Markdown Syntax Intro

Markdown 文件 NOTE: This is Traditional Chinese Edition Document of Markdown Syntax. If you are seeking for English Edition Document. Please refer to Markdown: Syntax. Markdown: Syntax 概述 哲學 行內 HTML 特殊字元自動轉換 區塊元素 段落和換行 標題 區塊引言 清單 程式碼區塊 分隔線 區段元素 連結 強調 程式碼 圖片 其它 跳脫字元 自動連結 感謝 注意:這份文件是用 Markdown 寫的,你可以看看它的原始檔 。 概述 哲學 Markdown 的目標是實現「易讀易寫」。 不過最需要強調的便是它的可讀性。一份使用 Markdown 格式撰寫的文件應該可以直接以純文字發佈,並且看起來不會像是由許多標籤或是格式指令所構成。Markdown 語法受到一些既有 text-to-HTML 格式的影響,包括 Setext、atx、Textile、reStructuredText、Grutatext 和 EtText,然而最大靈感來源其實是純文字的電子郵件格式。 »

Install Hugo

之前有用過 Pelican + Restructured Text,考慮過 Hugo, Hexo, Nikola後, 決定試試Hugo。 Hugo的速度、方便性來說算是滿不錯,而且在 github上追蹤的人數也滿多的,就試 試,順便試一下golang


This Is New Blog Post

鳳山房價較高雄市中心便宜,吸引首購自住客前往置產,成為今年高雄上半年不動產交易 量最多的行政區,而交易主力在總價500~700萬外加車位的20年以上透天。 鳳山生活機能完善,房價較高雄市中心便宜,吸引首購族置產 鳳山生活圈鄰近鳳山捷運站及鳳山火車站,具備雙鐵優勢,加上距國道1號約10分鐘車程 ,交通便利,且商圈林立,吸引家樂福、迪卡儂等大型賣場進駐,區域內還有大東文化藝 術中心、大東濕地公園等公共建設,近期鳳山體育館也規劃將改建成運動中心,生活機能 十分豐富。 print("hello,world!") print() 1var a string 2var b string 3var c string 4var d string <section id="main"> <div> <h1 id="title">{{ .Title }}</h1> {{ range .Data.Pages }} {{ .Render "summary"}} {{ end }} </div> </section> »

My First Post

I think , therefore I am. Cogito ergo sum by René Descartes H1 中文測試 H2 中文測試中文測試 中文測試中文測試中文測試中文測試 H3 中文測試中文測試中文測試中文測試中文測試中文測試 H4 中文測試中文測試中文測試中文測試中文測試中文測試中文測試中文測試中文測試 H5 中文測試中文測試中文測試中文測試 中文測試 作者 wowqweasd (竹葉青加冰,正點) 看板 Gossiping 標題 [新聞] 柯P缺席警察局長交接 北市府幕僚:無聲 時間 Thu Sep 21 15:35:03 2017 ─────────────────────────────────────── 柯P缺席警察局長交接 北市府幕僚:無聲抗議 自由時報 台北市副市長鄧家基今天(21日)主持警察局長交接典禮,左起副局長林順家、警政署長 陳家欽、副市長鄧家基、新任警察局長陳嘉昌。(記者方賓照攝) 2017-09-21 13:56 〔記者郭安家/台北報導〕台北市警察局長邱豐光被拔為警政署副署長,台北市長柯文哲 原定今上午要出席新任台北市警察局長陳嘉昌交接儀式,但柯昨晚決定缺席、今早由副市 長鄧家基代為出席。北市府發言人劉奕霆表示,柯文哲缺席「沒有理由」,其餘不再回應 。但有市府幕僚私下解讀,柯文哲在做無聲抗議。 柯文哲昨於議會備詢,國民黨台北市議員紛紛建議,柯應效法前台北縣長周錫瑋當年拒絕 »

What is Hugo?

Hugo is a general-purpose website framework. Technically speaking, Hugo is a static site generator. Unlike other systems which dynamically build a page every time a visitor requests one, Hugo does the building when you create your content. Since websites are viewed far more often than they are edited, Hugo is optimized for website viewing while providing a great writing experience. Sites built with Hugo are extremely fast and very secure. »


Hugo is written in Go with support for multiple platforms. The latest release can be found at Hugo Releases. We currently provide pre-built binaries for  Windows,  Linux,  FreeBSD and  OS X (Darwin) for x64, i386 and ARM architectures. Hugo may also be compiled from source wherever the Go compiler tool chain can run, e.g. for other operating systems including DragonFly BSD, OpenBSD, Plan 9 and Solaris. See for the full set of supported combinations of target operating systems and compilation architectures. »

Creating a New Theme

Introduction This tutorial will show you how to create a simple theme in Hugo. I assume that you are familiar with HTML, the bash command line, and that you are comfortable using Markdown to format content. I’ll explain how Hugo uses templates and how you can organize your templates to create a theme. I won’t cover using CSS to style your theme. We’ll start with creating a new site with a very basic template. »

(Hu)go Template Primer

Hugo uses the excellent go html/template library for its template engine. It is an extremely lightweight engine that provides a very small amount of logic. In our experience that it is just the right amount of logic to be able to create a good static website. If you have used other template systems from different languages or frameworks you will find a lot of similarities in go templates. This document is a brief primer on using go templates. »